Thursday, January 16, 2020


You might be wondering if I'm going to create unique titles for all of these posts going forward. The answer, of course, is yes.

I think I broke a rib playing basketball the other night. The pain isn't horrible, but it's bad if I move wrong. Or try hard to poo. Or try to open a drawer with my right hand. But there's really but much you can do with a broken rib. As long as you aren't puncturing a lung with jagged rib parts, you just chill for six weeks and then it should be better. Instead of getting x-rays ('Merica!) I'm just going to wait it out. Pretty sure my lung is fine.

I had an eight hour meeting at work today. I can't remember the last time I worked that many hours straight, let alone in a meeting that long. It was good though. My directors know their crap, and I feel really good about that.

Let's do gratitude.

I'm grateful for good coworkers. They are smart, kind, and interested in unified success. And they believe in me, which is super cool.

I'm grateful for good friends. We had dinner with the Salas family tonight. They're so great and we lucky that they're in our lives.

I'm grateful that the Jazz had a ten game win streak. It's over now, but it was super fun. They're fun to watch and follow. 

I'm grateful that my rib isn't worse. 

I'm grateful for this great weather.

I'm grateful, once again, for this fantastic bed. One hundred percent would buy again. Ten out of ten.

1 comment:

Nathan said...

Holy crap, eight hours. But it's good you have a good team.

Hope the rib gets better fast!

It's snowing today. Missing that nice Texas weather. ;-)