So, I do have an excuse for last night's brevity. I was super tired, but apparently I was also coming down with something. I've been sick today, but I'm doing much better now. This happens every once in a while, maybe quarterly. I'll have one big purge, then spend the next 18 hours or so feeling pretty trashy. After 18 hours though, I start to get better. It's not a bad system. This one was actually more like 14 hours, but who's counting? I am glad that whenever I do get sick, it's usually just for a day.
So that prevented me from going out and doing anything tonight, but I had a good time playing warcraft. I miss playing with Levi, but it's alright. His computer is being lame right now. I miss the good old december times though. Me, Kyle, Levi, Ricka, and Tyrel. Between performances, it was just incredibly easy to say "Oh, two hours till we need to be back at the school. Dota?" Nobody had work, because everybody had quit for December. We all knew that we were available, because we had to be to meet the madrigal schedule. It was a golden age of innocence.
It's been forever since we've had a classic game of dota with the five of us founding members. We've converted Glen, and sometimes we'll play with Dak or a few guys we've met in game that are cool. I still think that the very best is the founding five though. We need more of that.
Micron is due tomorrow. I've got half a mind to stick it to the man and not even apply. I know that that's not sticking it to the man. I'll get it in. I know I've got no chance now, and I'm alright with that. I don't necessarily like the way that Micron made me feel for fifteen minutes. That sorta left me with an ugly taste in my mouth.
And I did bounce back, in a way. You saw me write about bouncing back and banking on the Jello. But that really wasn't the bounce that I needed. Of course, I do still plan on banking on the Jello, but the real understanding came later.
See, I'd worked on that crap for most of that night, and I'd gotten it into my head that it was kind of important. That's why it was such a blow when I found out I was competing against mutants, you see. Even after I realized I had no chance, I still thought it was important.
But that night as I prep'd for bed, I looked at what I had written in my journal the night before. It's nothing huge, and I'm not going to share, but it reminded me that while 25,000 dollars is nothing to scoff at, it's most definitely not the most important thing. There are things out there that are actually important, and Micron isn't really one of those things.
My priorities had been a little off. It's interesting to note, though, that this week has been an awful good one. My priorities hadn't been off for the entirety of the week, just parts of it. And it wasn't like those parts were one big glob, but rather I'd split days between on target and off target. I'd still managed to pull a lot of good stuff off, even though I wasn't exactly focusing on that which was important. Interesting week, that's for sure.
So I feel really good now that I've gained some understanding about all this. It's given me new perspective. I really think I just appreciate myself more. I know that Nick's laughing at this part, saying, "Bahahaha, it's possible for you to appreciate yourself even more?" but hey, give me a break here. When I started comparing myself to mutants, I realized that I didn't have what they have. It's rare that I look at people, aside from the athletic folks, and think that they're absolutely better at me at what they do. I know that's sort of weird, but that's the way I am. It was interesting to have my world crash down on me so fast. Parrish had said that right now I was a big fish in a very little pond, but that when I got out into the real world I wouldn't be the biggest guy around. I knew I should have listened, but something inside of me made me think that I wouldn't ever have to face that. Five days or so later, I realized that I was tiny compared to those mutants. I just didn't have what they had.
But there's been a remembrance of sorts. Some very incredible stuff has happened this week. Stuff that makes me know that I'm significant, and I really like that. So maybe Micron doesn't care what happens to me, but I know some people who do, and that's pretty neat.
Blogaday Post-Mortem
Visits the 20 days prior to blogaday: 147
Visits during the 20 days of blogaday: 273
(up 85.71 percent)
Average time on site for 20 days prior: 48 seconds
Average time on site during blogaday: 1 minute, 27 seconds
(up 81.36 percent)
Comments during the 20 days prior: 2
Comments during blogaday: 22
(up 1,100 percent)
Number of pages of Times New Roman, 12 point text: 50
Number of words: 33,472
Number of characters: 176,838
Average characters per word (approx): 5.28
Times I said incredible or incredibly: 49
Average incredible or incredibly's per post: 2.45
References to blogaday within blogaday: 82
Average blogaday's per post: 4.1
Alphabet Breakdown:
Letter ----- Occurences ----Percent total
e | 16090 | 11.81% | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
t | 14838 | 10.90% | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
i | 10962 | 8.05% | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
a | 10820 | 7.95% | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
o | 10803 | 7.93% | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
n | 9134 | 6.71% | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
s | 8093 | 5.94% | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
h | 6853 | 5.03% | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
r | 6546 | 4.81% | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
l | 5846 | 4.29% | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
d | 4928 | 3.62% | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
m | 3702 | 2.72% | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
g | 3653 | 2.68% | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
u | 3627 | 2.66% | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
y | 3190 | 2.34% | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
c | 2980 | 2.19% | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
w | 2922 | 2.15% | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
f | 2679 | 1.97% | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
b | 2613 | 1.92% | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
p | 2332 | 1.71% | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
v | 1513 | 1.11% | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
k | 1401 | 1.03% | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
j | 289 | 0.21% | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
x | 215 | 0.16% | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
q | 79 | 0.06% | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
z | 76 | 0.06% |
Isn't that incredibly cool? Spreadsheets for the win.
There was more to analyze, certainly. But that just took up a lot of my time, thanks to me not knowing spreadsheets at all. Pops wandered in and taught me some stuff, so that's pretty cool.
In any event, I hope you enjoyed the first post-mortem. There'll be more to come, I'm sure. It's late though, and I need sleep. So I hope you're all doing well, and I'll catch you all on the flip side.
1 comment:
Haha, if you hadn't said that, I wouldn't have been thinking it. I don't necessarily think you're arrogant, I just make fun of you about it. Just like I don't think Glen is arrogant. Not really. You just have a positive outlook about your life and about your skills. So does Glen. I don't have a very good view of my skills like some people do. So yeah, I tease you about it probably because I'm jealous.
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