Ok, this is gonna be short cause its 7:10 and I'm still not entirely ready for school.
Nick needs stuff to write about on his blog, and I don't mind getting told what to write about. So, I'm proposing that you, my readers, tell me and Nick what to have a debate about. You give us a topic, and then choose who gets to argue pro, and who gets to argue con.
so, for example, you leave a comment saying "Wow, thats a good idea Thatcher, I want you two to debate about gay rights, and I want Nick to argue for them."
Think of good stuff guys, you know it's gonna be fun.
oh, and I havent talked to nick about this yet, but im sure he'll agree. Aight, g'night all.
Friday, December 16, 2005
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I Have bad feelings for this endeavor. It may affect personal faults that people are trying to overlook in certain people.
Oh, I will agree. In fact, I'm agreeing as I speak. So that last sentence was redundant. I'm not a good debatist...or...thing.
Okay, James, this is for you. I'm posting this here because I know you read this more than mine. Other than this apparent "Uber-debate-to-end-all-debates-except-Hawkes's," I have absolutely nothing to write about, and I would be much obliged if you would leave some questions you have for me. I swear I'll answer them. If you guys don't ask me crap, I'm gonna have to make up my own lame questions to ask myself, and no one wants to be that pathetic.
I'll be the first! I have a topic! Tell me what you guys think of common sense and human stupidity. Is it myth or true nature?
common sense is a myth. And very rare. No need to debate. And yes, humans ARE stupid. Especially the teenage ones.
I think that you should debate about bush. Thatcher, you're con.
marissa be right say I
Okay, Chris, it's been 6 days since you had this idea, and 4 days since I posted the first topic. So frickin' write already! It's really annoying!!! 4 days!!! Even I'm not that lazy, and I'm pretty dang lazy.
hoorah! I agree with Briahna.i think you should debate the fast food industry too. Thatcher is pro.
I think we should argue about video game violence, with Chris being con. We should set up official debate rules, too, like 1)Can we set our own topics? and 2) We shouldn't slight each other in the course of this debate or get into mad, raging fights.
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